Saturday, September 19, 2009

Zest and it's Synonyms

I thought this would be an fun entry, it's from my favorite books, The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale.
zest, n. 1. relish, spice, tang, flavor, seasoning, savor; twang, zing, zip, Inf. pizzazz, Inf. ginger, edge; pungency, piquancy, bite.
2. gusto, elán, animation, zestfulness; life, spirit, zip, Sl. oomph, Sl. kick; glow, warmth, soul; vivacity, Fr. joie de vivre, liveliness, lustiness, robustness; alacrity, delight, joy, gaiety, spiritedness; exuberance, exhilaration, elation, heartiness.
zestful, adj. 1. piquant, pungent, spicy, nippy; hot, peppery; tasty, toothsome, savory, delicious, luscious.
2. vivacious, vivid, frisky, brisk, hearty, zesty; energetic, vigorous, Inf. full of pep, Inf. peppy, Inf. full of get up and go; lively, full of life, animated, invigorated; exuberant, Inf. full of beans, Inf. feeling one's oats.

Friday, August 21, 2009

I grew up in one house. We moved to it when I was four, and when I was in the fifth grade, the 13th and 14th members of our family finally joined us, Sarah and Melanie. When we moved it was hard to leave what seemed to be the 17th member, the house itself. But sitting here in my sister's house tonight, watching my mom put a beautiful wedding cake together for my brother's reception tomorrow, I feel the same feeling here as I used to growing up in our old kitchen. So it's really not where you are, it's how much you love those you are with.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am 100% guilty of wishing to be perfect in order to enjoy life more. I think if I could just be more patient, or more loving, or have a better body, ect., ect., ect., then life would be at it's fullest. Nothing could be further from the truth. Enjoying life is about loving it despite it's faults, and loving myself with my faults. They make me who I am now, and when they trip me up, the only thing to do is to get up and keep trying. Trust me, I've been one of the ones who decided that the dust was a lot less humiliating then falling down into it again, but I think that was becasue I had the wrong perspective. When I failed at something like school, or saying the wrong thing at a party, and everyone saw me, I thought more of my own ego then about being an example. I still do it on occasion, but I'm happy to say those times are few and far between. I find much more Joy in life when to find it is my objective.

Friday, August 7, 2009


The only way to truly conquer my enemies is to learn to love them.

Thinking this past week on the phrase "finding out who you are" I came across a thought that lit me up. Everyone seeks to find oneself because we inherently know that we are something amazing. If we could just find out what we are, we'd find something worth being. I will not try to cover myself up anymore with "stuff". I will try to be who I am. It's an adventure everyday, and one notwithout perils, the sleepy advocates of self-satisfaction are always at my heels. But life is amazing, I want to be the leading lady of my own story. So here goes, dig in your heels readers, you are about to experience my zest for life!