Saturday, September 19, 2009

Zest and it's Synonyms

I thought this would be an fun entry, it's from my favorite books, The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale.
zest, n. 1. relish, spice, tang, flavor, seasoning, savor; twang, zing, zip, Inf. pizzazz, Inf. ginger, edge; pungency, piquancy, bite.
2. gusto, elán, animation, zestfulness; life, spirit, zip, Sl. oomph, Sl. kick; glow, warmth, soul; vivacity, Fr. joie de vivre, liveliness, lustiness, robustness; alacrity, delight, joy, gaiety, spiritedness; exuberance, exhilaration, elation, heartiness.
zestful, adj. 1. piquant, pungent, spicy, nippy; hot, peppery; tasty, toothsome, savory, delicious, luscious.
2. vivacious, vivid, frisky, brisk, hearty, zesty; energetic, vigorous, Inf. full of pep, Inf. peppy, Inf. full of get up and go; lively, full of life, animated, invigorated; exuberant, Inf. full of beans, Inf. feeling one's oats.